8 Things You Must Invest Your Time In Your 20's

         20's: The age where you're full of energy, a lot of enthusiasm and plenty of time in hands to invest in things. I know it's the age where you intensely feel the urge to enjoy your life. But, it's also the right time to build yourself. Ironically, this is the age where time flies by as quickly as a rocket. This is the time where we are exposed to the real world. The 20's is the age where we can make or break our future. So, it is very crucial to use our twenties as wisely as we can.
          Our future is defined by how we invest our time. Whatever the things we today will impact our future. Time and freedom are the precious luxuries only the young possess. Why don't you take leverage of that and use your time to build a better tomorrow for yourself? 
          There are a plethora of things out there you wish to do with your time in your twenties. But, there are also some must do things that you should focus to lead a successful career and a happy life.

How about we make a plunge directly into the subject "10 Things That You Must Invest Your Time In Your 20's"

1. Reading Books:
         I recommend you to invest as much time as you can in reading books. Read books on the topics you're interested in and increase your knowledge. Whatever the field you're interested in, there is a wide range of amazing books written by experts. Due to technological advancements, we even have the advantage of getting ebooks instead of spending money to buy real books. It's just the desire to read in you is lagging.
           Read read read. Most successful people read every day and never stop learning. Bill Gates, the Microsoft giant reads 50 books a year. Mark Cuban, a successful billionaire, reads 3 hours a day. The investing virtuoso, Warren Buffet reads 500 pages a day. Every day they keep improving themselves. Why don't you start that billion-dollar habit when you're in young blood?  
2. Improving Skills:
          Learn as many skills as you can at your younger age i.e., 20's. By skills, I mean professional skills as well as personal ones. Professional skills include skills that are related to your career. For example: If you are a Computer science major, be equipped with all the skills- rudimentary like C, C++, etc to advanced skills like AI, machine learning, etc. Invest in online certification courses too. These will come handy when you're up for your first job.     
          Not just professional skills, learn personal essential skills like cooking, laundry and simple chores to do at home. You're not that kid to whom your parents will bring what you want, you're the young one who can go after what you want now. You may leave your home town for your job or higher studies, these essential skills will be your savior that day.
          Most importantly learn skills on how to manage insecurities, handle failures, stress, and anxiety.
Related: How to handle failures the right way?

3. Travel and Experiences:
          There is no better time than your twenties to travel and gain experiences. Now that you're young, you have a lot of time and freedom in your life. Explore the world, it is limitless. It has more wonderful things to offer than you imagine. Go on adventures you always wished for. Explore different places, different cultures, different lifestyles. Travel as much as you can when there are no marital responsibilities on your shoulders. Try to travel alone sometimes, you can discover a lot about yourself in solo travels.

4. Connections / Network:
 Your Network Is Your Networth-Paul Halme
          In this 21st century, networking is one of the indispensable skill everyone should master. Networking in your early 20s will give you leverage when you step into the corporate world for jobs. With the corporate world seeking experiences for even entry-level jobs, it's your network that will up your game. Broaden your circle and grow your contacts. Whatever the niche you're in, there are plenty of people out there seeking to improve their network. Join them. I suggest you to use LinkedIn to connect with new people in your niche. Join Facebook groups and communities, talk to people. Who knows, one day these stranger might be your saviors.

5. Passion:
          Most of us are forced by society to pursue the careers we don't want to, hiding our passions somewhere in the corners of our hearts and in the flashes of our dreams. It's OK to go on a path you don't want to. But it's not OK if you forget completely the path you wished to go to. It's time to spend some quality time on our passion and work on it to improve. Why not start a side hustle with your passion? If it turned out to be lucrative, go for it full time or else you always have a career.
          I saw most people with the dreams of becoming an entrepreneur, an artist, a singer, a professional sportsperson, etc. Do yourself a favor and use your free time to work on your passion. I bet you'll thank yourself for doing that in the future.

6.Healthy Lifestyle:
           As the old adage says: Health is Wealth. Follow it. The twenties is the age where you feel the adrenaline rush in your body to do exciting things. What's more exciting than being in the best shape of your life? Take some time off your day and work on building your body. Workout at least 30 minutes a day. Work on improving your physique while you're young and live the rest of your life healthily. As important as working out, the diet you follow shows a greater impact too in the long term. Eat healthy foods and avoid diseases. Avoid junk food and beverages that'll spoil your health in the long run. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and save yourself from unnecessary troubles in the future.
Related: 10 Habits To Improve Your Life

7. Financial Literacy:
          Financial knowledge is the key to become wealthy. Learn how to manage your finances. You're in your 20's and you may or already have started earning. But you won't become wealthy until unless you learn how to manage your finances. You should have an idea where your every penny goes and ask yourself "is it the right way to spend my money?".
          I highly recommend you to read Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki, an American businessman and investing expert. This book is explicitly concentrated to make you learn the basics of money management.

8. Communication and interpersonal skills:
          You're going to interact with a lot of people at this age. So, communication and interpersonal skills are very much needed. Most of us cannot speak to strangers and don't know how to collaborate and engage with people when we work for a team. There are many skills out there to learn but these skills are of surmounted importance. There are people who were successful just because they know how to communicate well and manage personnel. These skills are also very much useful to build your network which will in turn ameliorate your chances of getting exposed to new opportunities.

That's it for today's article "8 Things You Must Invest Your Time In Your 20's". I hope this will improve your life.

Thank you for reading and be awesome :)

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